Tuesday, February 3, 2009

why 96?

Dear Crayola Company,

Why 96? Why 96 crayons? Out of all the colors you have plucked out of the rainbow why are you unable to pick just four more to round it out to an even 100? Everyone loves a good multiple of ten. Past the 5 dollar bill all of our money is in multiple of tens, our numeric system is based on the number 10. Heck, we have 10 fingers. Little children, your main clientele, even learn to count with their fingers in multiples of 10.

Now I understand your reasoning for an 8 pack. The eight essential colors for all coloring books; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, and brown. Take away brown; no trees. Take away yellow; no sun. Take away red; no fire trucks. Don't even get me started on green and blue. Should you want a crayola upgrade the next step is the 16 pack. Easy to understand. Just doubling the starter kit of colors. Next upgrade, the 24 pack. I will give it to you, you are just adding another eight, a constant addition of 8 new colors. But then you go and throw in the 64 pack. The logistical next pack upgrade should be 32! Instead you make us commit to 64 colors, not even a doubling of 24. What good is Forest Green without Desert Sand? However, I will concede the number 64 is far enough away from 50 and 100 that it is able to stand on its own. Though, could it have hurt to add one more for a solid 65 pack?

Now I return to the issue at hand, the pesty 96 pack. The free crayon sharpener in the back, though appreciated, cannot distract me from the simple fact that I feel you are tantalizing with my need for four more colors. Is it a marketing ploy for me to feel the need to purchase more crayons? Then again, your smallest pack is 8 which would bring my total to 104 crayons, a mere mirror to the problematic 96. Or are you condoling the greater public to attend their local family chain resteraunt and STEAL four crayons from a child scribbling on their kid's menu? Certainly a family friendly corporation such as yourselves would not condone such drastic action. Therefore, why don't you aid in our youth's mathematical education and round out the 96 box to a quality 100? That would be ten sets of fingers or five sets of fingers and toes.


P.S. I truly adore the addition of Cerulean but highly question your judgment on neon carrot.


  1. how about "bacon" colored crayon.

    one time at work i was sifting through crayons, (they were not crayola brand) and one was called "taco" but it was not taco colored. so i didn't really understand.

  2. sarah-what. i think i just fell in love with you. -jackie
